Do your kids know what the poppy is – or what it represents? How about the peace sign? Or even Remembrance Day or Veteran’s Day? When I recently realized that Onetime was finally old enough to start to understand some of these things, I decided to come up with a fun way to introduce some…
DIY Toys
Make a Baby New Year Search and Find Bottle
I love making search and find bottles together with my son. They’re fun to play and even more fun to make. Today I’m sharing an idea for a New Year’s theme bottle that we made a couple of years ago.
How to Make a Super Fun Box Lid Space Maze
Do your kids like to do mazes? Do they enjoy designing, building and creating? If your answer is yes – they will love this box lid space maze creative design project that incorporates art, engineering and critical thinking! Bonus for parents? It’s dirt cheap and you probably have all the materials at home already! This…
How to Make a Light-Up Paper Circuit Thaumatrope
Learn how to make a light-up paper circuit thaumatrope project. It’s a simple STEAM project with big bang value! It also incorporates science, technology and creative design and is tons of fun to play with!
All Aboard! How to Make an Awesome Cardboard Train
What is it with boys and trains? When Onetime was 2 – he was obsessed with trains for close to half a year. And when it came time to plan a birthday party, the theme was a no brainer! Today you’ll find instructions to make the awesome cardboard train that I made for his train birthday…