A few years ago when I created an alphabetical list of positive character traits that I wanted to foster in my son, the first idea for U that popped into my head was understanding. Understanding, accepting, and prejudice-free. I recently heard the phrase “embrace race” and it conjures up for me all of those qualities….
Character Series
The ABCs of Raising HAPPY Kids
“What makes you happy, Onetime?” I asked my 3 year old son today at dinner and his heart-melting answer to me was, “Mommy!” (I swear I didn’t make this up or prep him to answer that!) And it was just another one of those moments where I realized, probably for the 1000th+ time, how much…
Healthy Self-Esteem in Kids: 10 Things Parents Can DO to Help
Welcome back to another week of Teaching Kids About Character: An Alphabetic Blogging Series. This week’s topic is Y for (being) YourSELF! and it’s all about what we can do as parents to encourage our kids to develop healthy self-esteem.
Teaching Kids About Their ASSERTIVE SUPER POWERS!
Welcome back to another week of the Teaching Kids About Character: An Alphabetic Blogging Series. This week’s topic is X is for eXpresssive. When I think about the trait of being expressive, I automatically think about assertive speech. Although I’m sure you know that much of communication can also be conveyed through gestures, body posture,…
Wonder-Full: 8 Ways to Help Young Kids LOVE SCIENCE!
Welcome back to another week of Teaching Kids About Character: An Alphabetic Blogging Series. This week’s topic is W is for Wonder-Full! How can we encourage our kids to be full of wonder – to be curious, to ask questions, to be motivated to find out how things work and why, and to appreciate the…