I have always been a very emotional person. I feel things very deeply and according to all my friends and family, I “wear my emotions on my sleeve.” However, I’ve also always struggled with this aspect of my temperament. I am choosy about who I intentionally reveal my feelings to and have struggled with expressing (or…
emotional health
The ABCs of Raising HAPPY Kids
“What makes you happy, Onetime?” I asked my 3 year old son today at dinner and his heart-melting answer to me was, “Mommy!” (I swear I didn’t make this up or prep him to answer that!) And it was just another one of those moments where I realized, probably for the 1000th+ time, how much…
Healthy Self-Esteem in Kids: 10 Things Parents Can DO to Help
Welcome back to another week of Teaching Kids About Character: An Alphabetic Blogging Series. This week’s topic is Y for (being) YourSELF! and it’s all about what we can do as parents to encourage our kids to develop healthy self-esteem.
Tips to Support Kids Experiencing ANXIETY
If you’re raising kids, you are constantly dealing with emotions, yours and theirs. One emotion in particular that has lately become more prominent in my 4 year old son, Onetime, is anxiety. Today’s post will share great ideas that I have found for helping your child deal with this uncomfortable emotional state.
Mellow Cruising: A Roadmap for Supporting Upset Kids
Mellow. Such a lovely word. What makes you mellow? For me, it’s driving. Preferably without a child in the backseat, or at least a sleeping child. There’s just something about hitting the open road that is good for my heart and soul.Can’t we all use a little more of this wonderful quality in our lives?…