Over the years, I’ve posted many fun activities here on One Time Through to celebrate Valentine’s Day with kids. As my son has grown, I’ve realized more and more that what makes or breaks any activity is whether it brings us further into a state of connection or not. In other words, the best ones…
How to Make a Powerful Digital Vision Board
With the start of a new year comes time to reflect, re-evaluate and renew. Creating a vision board is a fun and surprisingly effective way to do all three of those things. In today’s post, I’ll show you how to create a powerful digital vision board that will help you get your needs met this…
Best Inspiring Books for Future Architects and Engineers
Does your child love to build, or do they enjoy drawing blueprints for inventions and imaginary structures? You may have a budding architect or engineer on your hands! Finding some great related books for them is one of the easiest ways to support this interest and can help to inspire their love of design. Check…
6 Simple Ways to Help Your Child Manage Perfectionism
As parents, we want our children to strive for excellence. We hold high standards and encourage hard work. So it seems like perfectionism in children would be a good thing. But there’s a darker side to perfectionism. One where children avoid new or unfamiliar activities and give up easily. Children who are perfectionists would rather…
How to Raise Kids to Embrace Race
A few years ago when I created an alphabetical list of positive character traits that I wanted to foster in my son, the first idea for U that popped into my head was understanding. Understanding, accepting, and prejudice-free. I recently heard the phrase “embrace race” and it conjures up for me all of those qualities….