Welcome back to another week of the Teaching Kids About Character series. This week’s topic, S is for Social, is a tough one to tackle. About a month ago, I posted M is for Mellow as a guide to dealing with kids when they are upset. There was a lot of feedback on the post and most…
Character Series
8 Keys to Raising Optimistic Kids
Optimism…what does it mean to be optimistic in a healthy way? Do we want our kids to go through life ignoring the negatives and possibly living in denial of realities? Or do we want our kids to have a realistic perspective on the struggles of living, while keeping their chins up? Definitely the latter. Put…
Mellow Cruising: A Roadmap for Supporting Upset Kids
Mellow. Such a lovely word. What makes you mellow? For me, it’s driving. Preferably without a child in the backseat, or at least a sleeping child. There’s just something about hitting the open road that is good for my heart and soul.Can’t we all use a little more of this wonderful quality in our lives?…
Loving Our Kids Unconditionally: What to Do Instead of Punishment
For most parents, it’s easy to feel loving towards your kids when they’re behaving well and being their happy, cheerful selves. It’s when they’re grumpy, tired, angry, sad, whiny, and not cooperating that it becomes a challenge (to say the least!). But what does this have to do with our Teaching Kids About Character Series?…
30 Joyful Ways to Connect with your Child in 10 Minutes
This week’s Teaching Kids About Character: An Alphabetic Journey topic is J is for Joyful. When I got thinking about joy and where it comes from, I immediately thought about connection. On days when my son is cranky, whiny, and demanding or wild, hyper and reckless, I have come to see that these are cries from…