Resilience is the ability to recover easily from adversity. According to Psychology Today, “Resilient people do not let adversity define them. They find resilience by moving towards a goal beyond themselves, transcending pain and grief by perceiving bad times as a temporary state of affairs.” Some people seem able to do this well and some…
positive parenting
Why Do Kids Act Out? How to Find the 2 Main Reasons
In today’s post, you will find the answer to the question, “WHY do kids act out?”- as well as some really helpful advice for what you can DO about it – so that maybe, just maybe, the kids will stop driving you crazy!
5 Ways to Say NO That Won’t Cause Kids to Meltdown!
Do you dread saying the big N-O word because it causes your child to have a meltdown? Or do you find yourself saying NO to your kids in every other sentence (and they never listen anyway)? Of course, it’s our responsibility as parents to keep our kids safe, to stop them from hurting others, or…
10 Must-Read Positive Parenting Books
Welcome to another week of the Positive Parenting alphabetic series. This week we’re taking a little break from the ABCs to look at a few of the amazing resources that I am constantly referring to in this series. Although there’s been no better teacher than experience, I’ve also learned so much from some of today’s leading…
7 Effective Ways to Encourage Kids
Welcome to another week of the Positive Parenting alphabetic series. This week’s topic is Encouragement. We’ll be discussing what it is and how it differs from praise, as well as 7 times when it can, and should be, used to effectively encourage children.