Looking for a fun and easy open-ended art project for the kids? With just a few inexpensive supplies, your kids can give our Victoria Day, Canada Day or Memorial Day fireworks painting a try!
70+ Ways to Use Plastic Easter Eggs
Today I am featuring a HUGE mega-roundup of ways to use plastic Easter eggs. I’ve got ideas for sensory play for little ones, math and language ideas, science experiments, music and sound activities, arts & crafts for kids of all ages, and games and active play egg ideas! You are guaranteed to find a use here…
Car Wash Painting Process Art for Kids
My 3 year old son Onetime likes cars and trucks, but absolutely LOVES the car wash! He is fascinated by the spraying water, rolling sponges and all the lights and sounds that go along with it. As soon as our car has even a bit of dust or salt on it – he lets us…
20+ Humpty Dumpty Inspired Activities
With Spring and Easter on the horizon, I’ve been thinking about eggs and when one of our linkups last week shared a fun plastic egg activity, I thought it might be the perfect week to do a roundup of one of my all-time favourite egg-related nursery rhymes: Humpty Dumpty! Today you will find language, science,…
10+ Fun & Educational Seed Activities
Our post today is full of fun and educational seed activities. For such little objects, seeds sure pack in a lot of learning. We’ve got tips for growing seeds with kids, activities to do while growing them, information about different kinds of seeds, suggestions for activities to do with seeds, and even a few seed…