With the New Year approaching, I’ve been doing lots of reflection (check out our Fill-in-the-Blanks Parenting Resolutions Printable post to see what I mean!). This year more than any other in my life, has been an incredible learning adventure – mostly due to writing this blog and specifically the Teaching Kids About Character positive parenting series.
In the process of researching parenting advice and summarizing it for this series, I became a more reflective and conscious parent – and feel so much more prepared to deal with whatever parenting challenges come my way.
If you’re new to One Time Through and haven’t heard of our Character Series, or even if you’ve visited before, I thought you might be interested in seeing what our top 5 parenting posts were this year.
It’s interesting to me that all 5 of One Time Through’s most popular parenting posts deal with issues that affect our kids’ emotional health and happiness, both today and in the longterm.
Obviously – this is an important goal for most parents, as it is for me and my family.
If you missed reading any of these 5 posts, I urge you to check them out today and share them with friends and family who might be interested.
For all of the Character Series posts, I spent a significant amount of time reading up on current literature, research, and positive parenting advice and tried to summarize the most helpful tips and ideas. I also included examples of how I use these tips with my 3 year old son, Onetime.
As an Elementary Teacher (M. Ed.) with extra credentials in Early Learning, as well as a background as a Behaviour Therapist, I have a solid understanding of what kids need to become healthy adults.
I am also a critical consumer of “parenting advice” – and strive to always be conscious of how our parenting in the NOW will affect our kids in the FUTURE.
These posts don’t advocate quick-fixes for problems, and they don’t involve punishing (or rewarding) kids. Instead they focus on ways to WORK WITH and TEACH children so that they will hopefully become the best possible versions of their wonderful selves.
I hope you enjoy reading through our list – and maybe find some helpful information – I know I did!
Top 5 Positive Parenting Posts of 2014
#1: Helping Aggressive Kids: 10 Positive Parenting Tips
#2: Tips to Support Kids Experiencing Anxiety
#3: Healthy Self-Esteem in Kids: 10 Things Parents Can Do To Help
#4: 30 Joyful Ways to Connect With Your Child in 10 Minutes
#5: 10 Ways to Teach Empathy
That’s it for our Top 5 Positive Parenting Posts of 2014 review – if you’re looking for even more great ideas, be sure to check out our Parenting: Struggles and Joys Pinterest board:Follow One Time Through’s board Parenting: Struggles and Joys on Pinterest.
To find even more positive parenting tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
And if you don’t want to miss out on any more of the fun we have here at One Time Through, sign up for our NEWSLETTER today. You’ll receive notifications by e-mail of new posts and you’ll also receive access to your exclusive FREE copy of our newest printable:
26 Quick Parenting Tips for NOW to Help Your Child Have Great Character LATER!
Before you go – be sure to hop on over to The Reformed (Idealist) Mom to find a roundup of other bloggers’ top parenting posts of 2014.
To a positive new year,