With a brand new year, comes the desire to start fresh, wipe the slate clean of last year’s mistakes, and better ourselves in the coming months. As a mom who wants to be conscious about my parenting, and out of my desire to raise a son who is emotionally healthy and happy, I decided to write some new year parenting resolutions.
Before I share the parenting resolutions printable that I created, I want to make it clear that my aim is not to be a “perfect parent” (God only knows that’s impossible!). Also, my goal is not to find fault with myself either (a constant struggle!).
Instead I want to keep my focus on being the best mom I can be, even amidst the whirlwind of life with a young child.
Writing down my goals is just one way that helps me reflect on how I’m doing – that’s why I started this blogging journey in the first place. I hope that these resolutions will keep me on the right track in the new year in my most important and challenging job of raising my 3 year old son, Onetime.
To that end, I created a free Positive Parenting Resolutions printable that I will be using and that you are welcome to print and use yourself too!
In order to keep the process quick and still make it an effective reflection tool, I made it “fill-in-the-blanks” and I even created accompanying pages full of suggestions for each blank if you need some ideas.
Many of the prompts lean towards a positive parenting approach that focuses on proactively dealing with our children’s behaviours and emotions.
If you are interested in reading more about this approach, be sure to check out our Teaching Kids About Character parenting series – especially the post about loving our kids unconditionally.
And remember – once you print off your free copy – just because the prompt is there, doesn’t mean you have to fill it in. Just pick and choose the goals that are important to you!
Click on photo above or HERE to download your FREE resolutions printable!
By the way – love this quote –
That’s it for our New Year Parenting Resolutions post – if you’re looking for even more great parenting ideas, be sure to check out our Parenting: Struggles and Joys Pinterest board:Follow One Time Through’s board Parenting: Struggles and Joys on Pinterest.
To find even more positive parenting tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
And if you don’t want to miss out on any more of the fun we have here at One Time Through, sign up for our NEWSLETTER today. You’ll receive notifications by e-mail of new posts and you’ll also receive access to your exclusive FREE copy of our newest printable:
26 Quick Parenting Tips for NOW to Help Your Child Have Great Character LATER!
To a wonderful and thoughtful start to 2015,