We love the Magic School Bus books and TV show at my house and with Halloween approaching, I thought it would be fun to read a not-so-scary but related book from this series, and do a fun (and educational – of course!) activity to make and collect spooky sounds.
21+ Awesome Airplane Activities
Today we have 21+ links to everything AIRPLANE! We’ve got making planes, ideas for pretend play, airplane related arts and crafts, travelling tips for taking kids on planes, airplane themed learning ideas, and even airplane party ideas!
Low Prep Kids Activities for the Extended Family Christmas Party
Is your extended family Christmas party anything like mine? Young nieces and nephews running around the house – high on sugary treats and excitement, mixed with older ones who are absorbed in their portable video game worlds? Why not try planning some activities that the cousins can do TOGETHER this year? I’ve compiled a list of some terrific…
FireFighter Birthday Party Cookies, Cupcakes and Favours
Welcome to my Fire Fighter Birthday Party blog series. My son, recently celebrated his 3rd birthday and I’m sharing all the fun details with you! This post contains Amazon Affiliates Links. Please see our full Disclosure here.
How to Make an Awesome Cardboard Firetruck
Are you looking for a tutorial to make an awesome DIY cardboard firetruck? Look no further! When my son turned 3, he was obsessed with all things firefighting so we decided to throw him a firefighting birthday party. The highlight of our party was by far this cardboard truck. Read on to find out how…