As an elementary school teacher who has chosen to stay-at-home with my son until he is old enough for school, I am always looking for ways to get my 3 year old son, Onetime, interested in learning and ready for school.
Today I’m going to show you how we recently made a Photo Counting Book together that you can do at home with your toddler or preschooler.
Until the age of 4 or 5, kids need lots of guided counting practise before they begin to really understand what those numbers mean. It’s one thing to be able to say, “1,2,3,4,5…” and a whole other level of understanding to be able to point to 5 objects and accurately count them!
To work on this understanding, called “one to one correspondence,” you can make a simple counting book with your child. I wrote this post for another awesome blog that focuses on learning activities for young children. To find the complete instructions, please click here to visit Teaching Mama.
To find even more ideas for teaching your young child at home, be sure to check out our Learning page which lists all our educational activities.
Also you can follow One Time Through on Pinterest to find boards of ideas on Alphabet Activities, Early Reading, Early Writing, Science Ideas and Mathematical Activities for toddlers/preschoolers.
Visit One Time Through’s profile on Pinterest.
I love these homemade books Sue! When Miss M was younger I made a texture one, but the cardboard pages didn’t last long with her dribbling everywhere! We have made a family one, and are in the process of an alphabet book. But I’m putting this idea on my to-do list.