Have you started reading chapter books with your littles yet?
I’ve got a great suggestion for you today that your kids will love! And which is guaranteed to get them laughing, asking questions, and thinking like a scientist.
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Why Chapter Books?
Raising a child who is curious about the natural world as well as creative and imaginative is really important to me.
My son, Onetime, already loves science at the age of 5. We’ve always done lots of fun inquiries and experiments together and as he’s gotten older, I continue to look for ways to stimulate and develop his love of science.
Until recently, I’ve relied on good quality picture books and non-fiction to support my son’s learning. But when I heard about this new book, I decided it might be time to try a chapter book read-aloud.
Where Did This Book Come From?
When I’d heard that a blogger friend, Asia Citro of the Fun at Home with Kids blog, had written and published a new fictional chapter book for kids that incorporates scientific concepts for kids, I asked her to send me a copy to read and review.
Asia has already published a number of fantastic books full of activities for kids.
My favourite is The Curious Kid’s Science Book: 100+ Creative Hands-On Activities for Ages 4-8 which Onetime and I use frequently when we’re looking for some scientific inspiration.
I was not disappointed with her new book, Dragons and Marshmallows (Zoey and Sassafras)
. Both Onetime and I loved reading aloud this chapter book for beginners and it was our very first one!
We actually started reading before school one morning and the first thing Onetime said when I picked him up after school was, “Can we keep reading the Zoey book?” LOL.
What is the Story About?
Dragons and Marshmallows is the perfect mix of a fun and intelligent female character (and her adorable cat Sassafras), a suspenseful plot involving magical animals, and a surprising amount of information about the scientific method with plenty of real facts about reptiles.
All the elements are weaved in together seamlessly and Onetime was learning without even realizing it as we followed along with Zoey on her adventure.
The premise of the story is that Zoey accidentally becomes a veterinarian of sorts for magical animals that live in the forest behind her house.
Where’s the Science?
As Zoey struggles to solve the mystery of how to help a sick baby dragon, the reader learns about the scientific method, as well as what reptiles need to survive, and about the difference between carnivores, omnivores and herbivores.
A Teacher Librarian’s Perspective…
As a Teacher-Librarian, I’m excited to see a new series that features a female character that doesn’t also involve princesses or fairies! And I love that the main character is a girl with brown skin and kinky hair.
I’m definitely telling all my friends who have daughters to read this book. Zoey is such a great role model.
But I also think that boys will enjoy the mystery, magic and reptilian science. Mine certainly did!
This was Onetime’s first chapter book read-aloud and he loved it – he even wore his “Magic Thinking goggles” for the entire second half of the book (which Zoey puts on when she wants to flex her thinking muscles!)
A Parent’s Perspective
As a parent who practises positive discipline, I really enjoyed reading the interactions between Zoey and her mom and dad.
They’re empathetic and caring with Zoey when she’s upset and I swear that Onetime snuggled in closer with me when we were reading parts that featured Zoey and her mom talking
Check out the new book trailer!
I can’t wait to read the next in the series, Merhorses and Bubbles and Monsters and Mold. I’ve already bought a few copies for my school library!
Although I received this book in exchange for my honest opinion, I am purchasing the entire series for my school library. Highly recommended!
Do you have any suggestions for first chapter book read-alouds? I’d love to hear them. Leave me a comment below!