We’ve been a little playdough crazy around here this week! On Friday, we shared our 5 Senses Fall Playdough ideas and today we’re sharing 3 “Freakishly FUN” Halloween Playdough ideas. It’s not too early for Halloween – is it?
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For all of these playdough ideas, I used my favourite recipe which you can find here. I also used Wilton 601-5580 1/2-Ounce Certified-Kosher Icing Colors, Set of 12
as they give the most intense, vibrant colours. For the black playdough, you will need an entire 1/2 oz jar. Black is a hard colour to get unless you use a lot!
Licorice and Pumpkin Scented Playdough
To make this Halloween scented playdough, you will need basic dough ingredients plus some Pumpkin Spice and some Star Anise Extract liquid (find it by the vanilla extract).
Once you make your playdough, split it into two portions and knead in the black and orange food colourings. Be prepared for black hands for a day!
For the pumpkin scented dough, add about 1-2 Tbsp of Pumpkin Spice and knead the dough until it’s evenly spread throughout. For the licorice scented dough, add about 1 Tbsp Star Anise Extract and knead well.
Add a couple Halloween themed cookie cutters, or stamps, and let your child have some “scent”sational spooky playdough fun!
Textured Halloween Playdough
Textured playdough is a huge favourite at my house with my 3 year old son Onetime. He loves the different feel of the dough, and enjoys picking out the things that have been added in! You will need rice and black turtle beans for this recipe.
Basically, make the playdough according to the instructions above, then add about 1/2 cup beans and/or rice to the dough. For extra fun, I coloured some rice orange and black using the easy process described at the bottom of this post: Springtime Sensory Bin. If you don’t want to bother colouring rice, then pick up some red lentils instead.
As an alternative, you can just place the beans and rice in containers beside the dough and have your child add it themselves! This is wonderful fine-motor practise.
Surprise Halloween Playdough
For this playdough, you will need a pumpkin carving knife (one of the non-sharp ones!) and a variety of plastic Halloween themed bugs, toys, objects (think dollar-store!).
After making the orange playdough, flatten it out and place a bunch of your Halloween objects onto it. Then fold it up into a pumpkin shape so all the objects are hidden inside the pumpkin. Add a little brown playdough stem if you like and present the “pumpkin” to your child with a carving knife.
Now sit back and watch as they explore the playdough and …SURPRISE!!! find all the goodies inside!
Onetime was fascinated with the bugs and thought the eyeball was funny! After digging out all the surprises – Onetime had fun making spider footprints and imprints of the different objects.
For other spooky ideas, be sure to Follow our Halloween Crafts and Activities Pinterest board at:Follow One Time Through’s board Halloween Fun on Pinterest.
That’s it for our Freakishly Fun Halloween Playdough ideas! If you missed our 5 Senses Fall Playdough ideas last week, be sure to check those out too.
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Spookily yours,
Love these fun ideas for play dough! You sold me on the licorice scented one. 🙂 We’ll be making that one for sure!
Awesome Ashlee! I’m not a big fan of black licorice, but my son seemed to like it! It definitely works for Halloween! Best, Sue
I really love the idea of a hidden surprise! What a fun party idea!
My son absolutely LOVED this activity! We did a similar thing with “treasure” inside pirate playdough earlier this year and he spent an hour just digging out treasure! Thanks for dropping by JDaniel4’s Mom! Best, Sue