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Reader Interactions
Alexandra Kofskysays
Hi Sue,
I am currently doing my research project on how mindfulness can support positive parenting practices. I am focusing on the transition from childhood to adolescence. Through my research, I am having a difficult time figuring out the difference between positive parenting and authoritative parenting. There is so much research on Baumrind’s parenting styles and a lot less on positive parenting. Is there a difference? Thank you so much for your time.
I look forward to following your posts.
Hi Alexandra,
What a fascinating project topic. I’m not how much I can help you unfortunately. I’m not sure if the term “positive parenting” has been officially coined by anyone or if it definitively represents certain characteristics. In the blogosphere, it generally represents a parenting approach that does not use punishment, however some people use it to refer to parenting styles that still make use of rewards/incentives with kids, and milder forms of punishment including time-outs and withdrawal of privileges. What I do know is that it certainly fits within the framework of authoritative parenting. Positive parenting is neither permissive, nor authoritarian, and it is certain mindful. It is flexible, but sets high expectations for behaviour. My series focuses on parenting without the use of any punishment or rewards. Instead, posts focus on the importance of connection, and respect. I am just beginning a 4-part mini-series on discipline through the positive parenting lens. Not sure if I clarified things for you, but hope this helped? Thanks so much for joining along! Best wishes on your project, Sue
Hi there Sue,
I am not a parent, but worked in special education for over 20 years. As a practitioner and teacher of meditation, I developed many years ago a cassette tape for young children, called “Quiet Time”. I was way ahead of my time, as back in the 1980s no one had heard of children doing relaxation or meditation! I sent the tape to a well known Pediatrician here at the time for his opinion, and he thought it was great. Since then I have re-recorded it onto CD, downloads etc. I wondered whether I could send you a copy to review? I was unable to have it added to listings of big cd/music companies so mainly have it available via my website. I am so glad I came across your work via Pinterest as I have a friend at the moment whose young son is suffering anxiety; so I will point her to your article about this and the suggested activities. All the best. Kind regards, Trudie
Hi Trudie – thanks for getting a hold of me. Can you please send me a brief e-mail at suelively2014@hotmail.com so we can continue this conversation in private? I’m definitely interested. Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you. Best, Sue
hello Sue.
I am so happy to find you here.i appreciate the way you have used to help parents.i am a mother of 2children.keep it up, I am interested.
God bless you.
Hi Sue:
I love your website and philosophy. I am not a young parent but am 83 and live in a senior assisted living facility. I am always looking for simple craft ideas for the residents her. I found your post for marble foam eggs for Easter using shaving cream and food coloring. In the step where you scrape the foam off of the eggs after they have been died and dried, you say “scrape off the foam. My question is “what do you use as a scraper?”
Hi Sue,
I am currently doing my research project on how mindfulness can support positive parenting practices. I am focusing on the transition from childhood to adolescence. Through my research, I am having a difficult time figuring out the difference between positive parenting and authoritative parenting. There is so much research on Baumrind’s parenting styles and a lot less on positive parenting. Is there a difference? Thank you so much for your time.
I look forward to following your posts.
Hi Alexandra,
What a fascinating project topic. I’m not how much I can help you unfortunately. I’m not sure if the term “positive parenting” has been officially coined by anyone or if it definitively represents certain characteristics. In the blogosphere, it generally represents a parenting approach that does not use punishment, however some people use it to refer to parenting styles that still make use of rewards/incentives with kids, and milder forms of punishment including time-outs and withdrawal of privileges. What I do know is that it certainly fits within the framework of authoritative parenting. Positive parenting is neither permissive, nor authoritarian, and it is certain mindful. It is flexible, but sets high expectations for behaviour. My series focuses on parenting without the use of any punishment or rewards. Instead, posts focus on the importance of connection, and respect. I am just beginning a 4-part mini-series on discipline through the positive parenting lens. Not sure if I clarified things for you, but hope this helped? Thanks so much for joining along! Best wishes on your project, Sue
Hi there Sue,
I am not a parent, but worked in special education for over 20 years. As a practitioner and teacher of meditation, I developed many years ago a cassette tape for young children, called “Quiet Time”. I was way ahead of my time, as back in the 1980s no one had heard of children doing relaxation or meditation! I sent the tape to a well known Pediatrician here at the time for his opinion, and he thought it was great. Since then I have re-recorded it onto CD, downloads etc. I wondered whether I could send you a copy to review? I was unable to have it added to listings of big cd/music companies so mainly have it available via my website. I am so glad I came across your work via Pinterest as I have a friend at the moment whose young son is suffering anxiety; so I will point her to your article about this and the suggested activities. All the best. Kind regards, Trudie
Hi Trudie – thanks for getting a hold of me. Can you please send me a brief e-mail at suelively2014@hotmail.com so we can continue this conversation in private? I’m definitely interested. Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you. Best, Sue
Thanks for dropping by Shelby!
hello Sue.
I am so happy to find you here.i appreciate the way you have used to help parents.i am a mother of 2children.keep it up, I am interested.
God bless you.
Thanks for the kind words Eugenie. Glad to have you here!
Hi Sue:
I love your website and philosophy. I am not a young parent but am 83 and live in a senior assisted living facility. I am always looking for simple craft ideas for the residents her. I found your post for marble foam eggs for Easter using shaving cream and food coloring. In the step where you scrape the foam off of the eggs after they have been died and dried, you say “scrape off the foam. My question is “what do you use as a scraper?”